Your Complete A-Z Strategy to Pay off Debt is HERE
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Done With Debt BOOTCAMP

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  • Total payment
  • 1xDone With Debt Bootcamp$67

All prices in USD

Your Questions Answered

Can I do this bootcamp later in the year?

Probably! But not live, and definitely not at the $47 price. My advice? If you want to pay off debt in 2025, sign up at this intro price and get all the materials. You can get to it when you're ready.

How much debt will I pay off in the 30 days?

That's a hard one to answer. Even if the answer is $0, that doesn't mean you won't be on the right path moving forward. This program is a kick off to your journey. Paying off unwanted debt and STAYING out of debt can take time [12-24 months] but what you'll learn in this program will help you move as quickly and effectively as possible with your debt. You get lifetime access to all program materials, so you can revisit the bootcamp anytime you need the support and guidance.

Have your clients actually paid off over one million dollars in debt?

Yes! I've been coaching women for nearly seven years, and the total debt paid off by my private clients exceeded one million dollars a couple years ago. I love helping regular women JUST LIKE YOU find a steady and sustainable debt payoff strategy that works. I'd love for YOU to be part of the growing number!

Is there any live coaching?

Each participant will have a 1:1 Debt Strategy Session with Katy. Otherwise, there are no live group coaching calls for this 30 day program. There is coaching in the private FB group where I (Katy) will be every day Monday-Saturday during the 30 day period. 

Will I have to give up my coffee?

Nope. Unless you want to switch up your coffee routine. Honestly, there have been times when I caught myself going to Dunkin' 20 times in a month. Not good for my health. I usually do a bit of a reset when I catch those patterns. You will become more observant and aware of your spending, but it's up to you how you spend. That's the long way of saying, if you notice something isn't helping your goals or feels off, you'll have a chance to change it. But no one's going to tell you to boycott restaurants or coffee shops.

I've tried other money coaching programs. How are you different?

I don't know what you've tried, but my guess is this bootcamp will share far more practical ideas and strategies and far LESS money mindset and affirmations. 

There's a lot of limiting money beliefs out there, and there are just as many money coaches sharing mindset solutions. I'm not one of them. My process is based in daily activity, a clear savings set-up WHILE you pay off debt, and helpful strategies to reduce interest and payments [which reduces a LOT of pressure on your debt situation].